Thursday, October 23, 2008

Quest: Saving the refugees

Lordaeron is overrun, refugees are holding up at the wall but they are dying weekly due to raids over and under the wall from frost wyrms, gargoyles and crypt fiends. They cannot safely flee across Arathi due to the raptors and ogres along the way. The task is simple: Dugalds men will escort the refugees while a task force stays and holds the scourge until they are safe. The estimated date currently is Saturday November 1st at 2:00 server time. Comment here so I can know whether to change the date and so I can figure out who's participating.

Enthoor the man!

For today's highlight, we have General Enthoor! An friend of Elfy's who saved his life in Alterac Valley. The two are currently recruiting a task force to save the refugees up in Lordaeron.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


So true.

Peter Pan: Flying

Stupid thing wouldn't let me load the link to this vid with the pic. For those of you that haven't heard the Peter Pan: Flying soundtrack, here it is.

... GAAAH! Won't let me load the video. Here's the link.

A nice little pic

When BC first came out, I said "The moment I get a netherdrake, I'm going to fly through the beautiful nagrand sky listening to the flying music from the Peter Pan live action movie." Few weeks ago I had that dream come true. It was actually just about everything I wanted it to be. Thought I'd show you the pic.

Elfangor Sen'rai Shadowfury

Elfangor Senurai Shadowfury
Height: 7 feetWeight: 285 lbs
Weapon skills: Swords (1h @ 2h) spears, throwing daggers, regular daggers, bows.
Magic skills (not powerful): Fire, arcane, shadow (in demon form).
Languages: Common: 100%, Darnassian: 100% Draconic: 100% Thalassian: 95% Trollish: 35% Eredun (Demonic): 75% Furbolg: 100%
Skin color: Light purple
Hair color: Natural Green
Eye color: Gold
Tattoos/markings: Blue swirly marks around chest and upper arms.
Scars: Half moon scar on the back of his lower right leg. Large scar on his ball sack.

Elfangor was born in Northern Kalimdor, assumed northern Ashenvale close to the Hyjal border. At birth he was promised to be trained as a Demon Hunter. At age 7 (still in infancy) his parrents were killed in a fire of unknown origins, and Elfangor was adopted by the Shadowfury family with Amynis and Jerbek as his new brothers.
Even at birth he had gold eyes which revealed inate druidic potential, but he was never taught the druidic arts. At age 104, he was admited to the Demon Hunter academy where he met many others including the Demon Hunter Avenn Ravencrest. However, all demon hunters must be ritually blinded, but as Elfangor was the youngest Night Elf ever to be admitted, his blindness was feigned by the covering of a ceremonial sash. He struggled to attain the extra sensory perception that other Demon Hunters had, in his training he showed a great potential not seen by the grand masters in quite some time. Therefore, he would be bound with a demon 'worthy' of his potential.
All Demon Hunters must be bound with a demon. For Elfangor, the malific Firebrand was chosen. Firebrand is/was an incredibly powerful rogue demon (and a complete asshole to boot), and he found it an insult to be "sealed within a pathetically weak boy". Therefore, Elfangor had to struggle even more to contain the demon within himself.
Through his continued struggling, he gained exceptional strength and power during his childhood. However, when Firebrand attempted to break free of Elfangor, a crystal necklace was made to help him contain Firebrand.
During his training years (between the ages 104-1000) Elfangor knew he was always different, for the fact that he wasn't actually blind. But one night he cried out in his sleep of a demonic invasion. The demons he described in his dreams were green and had large canine-like fangs. His mentors passed it asside as nonsense, but several thousand years later, the orcs invaded Kalimdor and killed Cenarius.
Ever since the first dream of the orcs, he has had many dreams of the past preasent and future, though many have not ever come true, some have.
By age 1000, he had proved himself an acceptionally powerful Demon Hunter, and a prodegy among Night Elves. Despite this, however, Demon Hunters were always shuned by the greater Night Elf society, and thus, he was considered a wolf among hounds. Still he strived to be accepted. He trained himself well as a Darnassian actor/singer. Eventually, he chose the life of a bounty hunter, but he never abandoned his Demon Hunter culture and continued to train as one.
Several hundred years later, during the third war, he won the love of one of the Night Elf generals, Shalan'thris Torlian second in command next to Shandris Feathermoon. This relationship was considered a thing unheard of by the Night Elf society, so it was kept secretive.
The two had strong feelings to each other, up until the battle of Mount Hyjal. The morning before that battle, despite the wishes of Shalan'thris, Elfangor decided to end the relationship. The events that tanspired during that battle left Elfangor shaken and scarred. For in that battle, just before Archimonde disheveled the Night Elf base, Elfangor confronted the Demonlord, but was tossed asside, almost effortlessly.The four years after, Elfangor seemed to disappear from the world. For he was still scarred from the battle of Hyjal. But he recovered from his stupor while training in Teldrassil, where he learned how to effectively use a bow.

Now the Demon Hunter is back...

A mean shit...

Well guys, if you're here, that means you know me on WoW. Congratulations. It is now my turn for a blog. ((<3 Tel)) So I have my blog here and I'ma do stuff with it. Feel free to invite other people to it, but they have to be good people that you know I don't have problems with. Hokay? Hokay. Enjoy...